• 25.02.2021
  • Moscow
On Wednesday, 3 of March, 2021 at 16.00 in the cultural center "Pokrovskie Vorota" at the address: Moscow, Pokrovka Street, 27, the presentation of the first Russian-language translation of the third encyclical of Pope Francis "Fratelli tutti" ("All brothers"), dedicated to universal brotherhood and social friendship, will take place.
Presentation of the first Russian-language translation of the encyclical "Fratelli tutti" ("All Brothers»)
  • 25.02.2021
  • Los Angeles
The secretary-general of the Muslim World League, Mohammed bin Abdul Karim Al-Issa, on Tuesday said the Muslim women always enjoyed a prominent position since the beginning of Islam and any violation of their rights are against the basic teachings of the religion. He was speaking at an online seminar organized by the Los Angeles World Affairs Council and Town Hall.
Muslim women have always enjoyed prominent position in Islam, says MWL chief
  • 25.02.2021
  • Bavaria (Germany)
In Germany, in a number of schools in the federal state of Bavaria, students can optionally study Islam as a compulsory subject. The local authorities, who essentially adopted the experience of Russia, where the subject “Fundamentals of Religious cultures and Secular ethics " exists in schools, took the initiative.
Lessons on Islam were fixed in the German schools
  • 24.02.2021
  • Saudi Arabia
Saudi telecoms giant saw its brand value increase 14 percent to $9.2 billion, making it 13th globally.
STC tops list of Middle East’s most valuable telecoms brands
  • 20.02.2021
  • UAE
The delegation of the Russian Federation headed by the deputy chairman of the religious administration Rafiq Fattakhetdinov will take part in the world's largest food exhibition GULFOOD. The delegation included Aidar Gazizov, Director of the International Center for Standardization and Certification "Halal" at the RBM of the Russian Federation, and Deputy Director Samat Sadykov.
Religious Board of Muslims of the Russian Federation and ICSIS "Halal" take part in the world-famous food exhibition GULFOOD.