• 04.08.2019
In the mid-19th century, one of the largest Muslim scholars and intellectuals was born in Egypt, who had a huge impact on modern Islamic society and who is called the founder of Muslim modernism. His name is Muhammad Abdo.
Muhammad Abdo (1849-1905) and independence of opinion
  • 29.05.2019
Executive Secretary of the Muslim International Forum Damir Mukhetdinov  met with the rector of the Islamic University of Medina, Dr. Abdullah al-Atibi. The meeting took place in the university residence of the rector in Medina.
Executive Secretary of the Muslim International Forum visited Saudi Arabia
  • 14.05.2019
Khaled Abu al-Fadl (born 1963 in Kuwait) is one of the largest contemporary Islamic scholars and Islamic scholars. Al-Fadl is Distinguished Professor of Law and Head of the Islamic Studies Program at the University of California at Los Angeles, who wrote hundreds of articles and dozens of books on Sharia, the issue of fiqh reform, the problem of Islam and human rights, and on the situation of women in Islam.
Abou El Fadl. Ijtihad as a path to ethical humanism
  • 08.05.2019

Fazlur Rahman Malik (September 21, 1919 - July 26, 1988) is one of the most famous Muslim modernist scholars of the 20th century. He was known as an eminent theologian of reformist views, who paid special attention to education and ijtihad.

Fazlur Rahman Malik. Theory and practice of Islamic intellectual dynamism
  • 01.05.2019
On April 24, 2019, Dr. Abbasi Madani, a prominent political and public figure in Algeria and the entire Arab world, died. He was born in 1931, and in 1954-1962 he was an active participant in the war for the independence of Algeria.
Dr. Abbasi Madani, democracy and sharia