• 24.05.2021
  • Moscow
The Moscow Islamic Institute of the Religious Board of Muslims of the Russian Federation has received a license to implement master's degree programs in the field of "Theology" (according to the order of the Federal Service for Supervision of Education and Science of 14.05.2021). Thus, from now on, the university implements bachelor's (48.03.01) and master's (48.04.01) educational programs in Islamic theology, as well as programs of additional education for children and adults and additional professional education.
Moscow Islamic Institute begins training Masters of Islamic Theology
  • 24.05.2021
  • Moscow
On 18th of May, First Deputy Chairman of the Religious Board of Muslims of the Russian Federation, Executive Secretary of the Muslim International Forum, Doctor of Theology Damir Mukhetdinov took part in a meeting of the Council for Interethnic Relations and Interaction with Religious Associations under the Federation Council, chaired by Deputy Chairman of the Federation Council Konstantin Kosachev.
Damir Mukhetdinov spoke at a meeting of the Council on Interethnic Relations and Interaction with Religious Associations
  • 20.05.2021
  • Saudi Arabia
Ritaj Al-Hazmi, a 12-year-old girl, won the title of  the youngest writer of a series of novels” in the world after publishing two novels and got into the Guinness Book of Records.
The Guinness Book of World Records has chosen a girl from Saudi Arabia as the youngest author
  • 19.05.2021
  • Dearborn (Michigan,USA)
Over ten thousand local residents and activists gathered this weekend in protest of the latest Israeli ethnic cleansing campaigns in occupied territories of Palestine over the weekend.
Over ten thousand local residents protest Israeli murderous campaign against Palestine
  • 17.05.2021
  • Moscow
First Deputy Chairman of the Religious Board of Muslims of the Russian Federation, Executive Secretary of the Muslim International Forum, Rector of the Moscow Islamic Institute, Head of the Center for Islamic Studies of St. Petersburg State University, Professor, Doctor of Theology Damir Mukhetdinov joined the editorial board of the Jordanian journal "System of Humanitarian Knowledge".
Damir Mukhetdinov joined the editorial board of the journal “System of Humanitarian Knowledge”