Damir Mukhetdinov's article was published in the Qatari scientific journal
In the latest issue (January 2022) of the scientific journal "Adyan" ("Religions") An article was published by the executive Secretary of the Muslim International Forum, First Deputy Chairman of the Religious Board of Muslims of the Russian Federation, Doctor of Theology Damir Mukhetdinov.
"Adyan" magazine is issued in Qatar and is published twice a year by the International Center for Interreligious Dialogue in Doha (DICID) in Arabic and English. The editor-in-chief of the scientific publication is the head of the DICID Board of Directors, Dr. Ibrahim Salih al-Nuaimi. The pages of "Adyan" consider humanitarian problems from the point of view of religions, interreligious dialogue and intercivilizational interaction of different cultures.
In the latest issue of the journal devoted to the theme "Religion and the sanctity of the human soul", Doctor of theology Damir Mukhetdinov presented his article entitled "The authority of religion and the soul of modern man: an example of good will against the devaluation of life." In his opinion, the authority of religion in modern life directly depends on the ability of religious figures to encourage people to reflect (tafakkur) – the concentration of the rational feelings of the heart on virtuous behavior in this beautiful world, given to man as a vicar of God. "In order to appreciate life, a person should never forget about death, in the light of which all his deeds and plans are appreciated. The most worthy are those deeds that elevate the human soul during life, by this elevation they give an example to people around them and allow them to meet death in peace. This is the gift of pious reflection, purification of the heart and correction of the soul. This is the life outcome of a person who knows how to listen to the authority of a religious message. Only this authority protects the meaning of life from the poison of intellectual decomposition," the author concludes.
"Adyan" magazine is issued in Qatar and is published twice a year by the International Center for Interreligious Dialogue in Doha (DICID) in Arabic and English. The editor-in-chief of the scientific publication is the head of the DICID Board of Directors, Dr. Ibrahim Salih al-Nuaimi. The pages of "Adyan" consider humanitarian problems from the point of view of religions, interreligious dialogue and intercivilizational interaction of different cultures.
In the latest issue of the journal devoted to the theme "Religion and the sanctity of the human soul", Doctor of theology Damir Mukhetdinov presented his article entitled "The authority of religion and the soul of modern man: an example of good will against the devaluation of life." In his opinion, the authority of religion in modern life directly depends on the ability of religious figures to encourage people to reflect (tafakkur) – the concentration of the rational feelings of the heart on virtuous behavior in this beautiful world, given to man as a vicar of God. "In order to appreciate life, a person should never forget about death, in the light of which all his deeds and plans are appreciated. The most worthy are those deeds that elevate the human soul during life, by this elevation they give an example to people around them and allow them to meet death in peace. This is the gift of pious reflection, purification of the heart and correction of the soul. This is the life outcome of a person who knows how to listen to the authority of a religious message. Only this authority protects the meaning of life from the poison of intellectual decomposition," the author concludes.