• 08.02.2022
  • UAE
The document of human brotherhood has become “an important milestone on the path of interreligious dialogue", -  Cardinal Miguel Angel Ayuso Guixot said on the sidelines of an event at Expo 2020 in Dubai dedicated to the International Day of Human Brotherhood
Human Brotherhood Day at the Expo 2020 event in Dubai
  • 07.02.2022
  • UK
The impressive documentary "One Night in Al-Aqsa” will be released in the UK this month, and all proceeds will go to fund the Palestinian campaign of the international humanitarian charity Penny Appeal
The film "One Night in Al-Aqsa" will make a tour of eight cities in the UK
  • 07.02.2022
  • London (UK)
«Minarets in the Mountains: A Journey to Muslim Europe" by Tariq Hussain tells the story of the journey of a British-Muslim writer of Bangladeshi origin with his family through parts of the continent, home to some of the largest native Muslim communities in Europe
A book about the study of Muslim culture in Eastern Europe is included in the list for the prestigious travel book award
  • 07.02.2022
  • Saudi Arabia
On 2nd of February, an official delegation of the Federation Council of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation headed by a member of the Federation Council, Commissioner for Hajj Affairs under the Government of the Russian Federation Ilyas Umakhanov held a meeting in Riyadh with the Minister for Hajj and Umrah Affairs of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
The Russian delegation is holding meetings in Saudi Arabia regarding the organization of the Hajj in 2022
  • 02.02.2022
Some countries continue to deny women the right to wear the hijab, a traditional Muslim headdress, whenever they want, and some women fear that they may be banned from wearing it at all, according to the organizers of a global event to raise people's awareness about the hijab
Muslim women around the world celebrate World Hijab Day