Review of scholarships, conferences and summer schools in Islamic studies in Yale, London, Amsterdam and Edinburgh

Dear friends, we are publishing our new review of international scholarships, conferences and summer schools in Islamic studies.

Postdoc position

Catholic University of Levin (Belgium)

Postdoc position for 12 months for the project “Avicenna East & West I: Commentaries on the Qaṣīdat al-nafs”

The purpose of this project is to study how Avicenna's theory of the soul was interpreted among the commentators of his work, as well as to determine the attitude towards Avicenna’s legacy and the falsafa in general in Islamic society.

Details: https://euraxess.ec.europa.eu/jobs/380372

University of London (UK)

Postdoc position on Islamic studies. The project is devoted to the Koran phenomenon and the way it affects listeners. Position for 2 years: from October 1, 2019 to August 31, 2021.

Application deadline: May 1, 2019.

Details about the competition: https://jobs.soas.ac.uk/fe/tpl_soasnet01.asp?newms=jj&id=70648&aid=14167

Edinburgh University (UK)

Postdoc position in a project to study the problem of Islamism in the Mediterranean region. The project starts on September 1, 2019.

Deadline for applications: April 29, 2019.

Details about the competition: https://www.vacancies.ed.ac.uk/pls/corehrrecruit/erq_jobspec_version_4.display_form

Yale University (USA)

Yale Center for the Study of Race, Indigeneity, and Transnational Migration invites applicants to a one-year postdoc position, which begins on July 1, 2019. The project is dedicated to race issues in the Islamic community of North America.

Details: https://apply.interfolio.com/58704


PhD position competition

University of Amsterdam (Netherlands)

Competition for a four-year PhD position in the project "Muslim Individuality in the USSR and the Russian Empire."

Application deadline is April 28

Details: http://www.uva.nl/en/content/vacancies/2019/03/19-149-phd-position-the-muslim-individual-in-imperial-and-soviet-russia.html?z&fbclid=IwAR1b13QegxOrkRrJ18vNcSWcQMfiMxsA0XhGmDWKu1Ku3xYcZ-8ibP3u5Po

Summer schools, conferences and travel grants

Summer School in Istanbul (Turkey)

Summer School "Transnational Islam and Challenges of Being Muslim Ummah" (July 24 - August 4, 2019), which focuses on current problems of the Muslim community and how to solve them with an emphasis on modern theoretical approaches.

Application deadline: May 10, 2019

More details:



Hajj Conference at the University of Amsterdam (Netherlands)

Conference at the University of Amsterdam on the study of pilgrimage to Mecca: "The story of the pilgrimage to Mecca: experiences, emotions and meanings", which is jointly organized by the Amterdam and Groningen universities.

Application deadline: July 1, 2019

More details:



Travel grant from the Association of Historians of Islamic Art

Travel grant to attend conferences and seminars by graduate students and doctoral students in the field of Islamic art. One grant up to $ 700.

Applications are reviewed twice a year: August 1 and December 15.

Read more: https://www.historiansofislamicart.org/opportunities/hiaa-prizes/grabar-grants-and-fellowships

Foto: safiramericanschool.com