• 10.01.2022
  • Moscow
On 7th of January, on the first Friday of the year 2022, during Friday prayers, the first Deputy chairman of the Religious Board of Muslims of the Russian Federation, Executive Secretary of the Muslim International Forum, Doctor of Theology Damir Mukhetdinov addressed the faithful gathered in the Moscow Cathedral Mosque
Prayers were raised in mosques of Russia for the restoration of peace and order in Kazakhstan
  • 28.12.2021
  • Saudi Arabia
The King Fahd Complex for the Publication of the Holy Quran has launched the Warsh Quran application, available on Apple, Windows and Android
King Fahd Complex Launches Warsh Quran App
  • 27.12.2021
  • Pakistan
Chairman of the Council of Scientists (Alimov) Pakistan's Sheikh Muhammad Tahir Al-Ashrafi is deeply touched by the position of Russian President Vladimir Putin on the inadmissibility of caricatures of the Prophet Muhammad  and other insults to religious shrines
The head of the Ulema Council of Pakistan, Sheikh Al-Ashrafi: The people of Pakistan are delighted with Putin's position on the caricatures of the Prophet
  • 24.12.2021
  • Moscow
During a press conference on 23rd of December, 2021, Russian President Vladimir Putin also spoke about the ethical boundaries of creative expression. He stressed that Russians belonging to different religions tend to respect each other's interests and traditions
Insults to the Prophet Muhammad are a violation of the holy feelings of people, President Putin is convinced
  • 22.12.2021
  • Moscow
On 16th of December, the Executive Secretary of the Muslim International Forum, First Deputy Chairman of the Religious Board ofMuslims (RBM RF) of the Russian Federation, Rector of the Institute, Doctor of theology, Professor Damir Mukhetdinov met with the newly appointed Director of the representative office of Al-Mustafa International University in Moscow, member of the Academic Council of Al-Mustafa International University, lawyer and philosopher Dr. Rasul Abdollahi
Meeting with the newly appointed Director of the Representative Office of Al-Mustafa International University in Moscow