School for children of Syrian refugees opened in Lebanon's Bekaa at the expense of the Zakyat Foundation Religious board of Muslims of the Russian Federation.
School for children of Syrian refugees opened in Lebanon's Bekaa at the expense of the Zakyat Foundation Religious board of Muslims of the Russian Federation.
On November 11, a school for children living in the camp opened in a refugee camp located in the Bekaa valley region of Lebanon on the border with Syria. The building, designed for 250 students, was built and equipped with funds raised by the Zakyat charitable Foundation of the Religious board of Muslims of the Russian Federation.
A special delegation headed by Moscow mufti Ildar Alyautdinov went to Lebanon earlier this week with the blessing of mufti Sheikh Ravil Gaynutdin, Chairman of the Religious Board of the Russian Federation and the Council of Muftis of Russia.
During the trip, in addition to opening a school, the delegation of Russian Muslims visited five Syrian refugee camps and provided assistance to 250 families. About 1,500 people received warm clothing, blankets, and food. The delegation also met with orphans who are in the care of the Zakyat Foundation, and they were given basic necessities.
In one of these camps, a new school was opened – the second one created by the forces of Russian Muslims. In the future, it is planned to build a Children's playground near the school. According to official figures, about a million Syrian refugees live in Lebanon today. Their camps are located on the border with Syria - in an area where it often rains, and in winter - snowfall.
People, including small children, are forced to live in disastrous conditions: it is often very dirty and cold in tents, and during the rain everything is flooded. It is especially difficult for widows,single mothers, the disabled persons, the elderly and the sick who urgently need medication or surgery.
Zakyat Foundation announces the opening of an additional fee in the amount of 1 million 600 thousand rubles (approximately $ 20,000). The funds raised will be used to purchase warm clothing, heaters, fuel and mattresses for Syrian refugees. Details for transferring funds-follow the link -