• 28.06.2021
  • Moscow
On 25th of June, 2021, the First Deputy Chairman of the Religious Board of Muslims of the Russian Federation, Rector of the Moscow Islamic Institute, Executive Secretary of the Muslim International Forum, Professor Damir Mukhetdinov, met with the Deputy Chairman of the Department of the Republic of Turkey for the Affairs of Compatriots and Related Communities Abroad, Sayit Yusuf. The guest was accompanied by the Adviser of the Embassy of the Republic of Turkey in Moscow Djem Gunduz, the Adviser on Religious Affairs of the Embassy of the Republic of Turkey in Moscow Omer Faruk Savuran and the translator of the Department of Religious Affairs Abobukar Batygov.
Meeting of Damir Mukhetdinov with members of the delegation of the Turkish Embassy
  • 22.06.2021
  • UAE
Abu Dhabi has revealed the name of the future house of religions, a multi-faith complex that will appear on the island of Saadiyat in Abu Dhabi. The names of the houses of worship were announced as the Imam Al-Tayeb Mosque, St. Francis Church, and the Moses ben Maimon Synagogue.
House of Abrahamic Religions will be built in Abu Dhabi
  • 21.06.2021
  • Uzbekistan
On 16th of June, 2021, Acting Chairman of the Religious Board of Muslims of the Russian Federation, Executive Secretary of the Muslim International Forum, Doctor of Theology Damir Mukhetdinov took part in the scientific and practical online symposium "The Teaching of Maturidism and Modernity", organized by the International Islamic Academy of Uzbekistan.
Damir Mukhetdinov presented Russian theology at the international symposium " The Teaching of Maturidism and Modernity»
  • 17.06.2021
  • UAE
On Wednesday, the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) held the second Islamic Summit on Science and Technology, organized by the UAE on the theme “Science, Technology and Innovation: Opening New Horizons".
The head of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation urges focus on education, and food security
  • 16.06.2021
  • Middle East
An NFT is essentially a unique digital unit that cannot be copied. While the high prices enjoyed by NFT art surprise some, others are proud to own a unique digital asset that gives them exclusive and permanent rights.
First Digital Islamic Art Agency NFT to launch in Middle East